

Black Women In Blockchain is a 501c3, tax exempt nonprofit organization, that seeks to enhance inclusion and representation in blockchain through training, mentoring, networking, visibility programs, and access to capital. Our initiatives directly contributes to five of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): gender equality (SDG 5), education (SDG 4), entrepreneurship (SDG 8), innovation (SDG 9) and social inclusion (SDG 10).

Our Initiatives

Blockchain Education Program

The goal of this program is to bring more black women, globally, into the Blockchain and Fintech space.

Blockchain is creating many opportunities, however for women there are disparities.  An investigation conducted in 2019 showed a total of 4.64% of female names in the main branches of open-source codes.

The predictions for blockchain is that the coin market cap will be $3 trillion by 2030, according to Gartner.  It is also estimated that worldwide spending in the blockchain space is will grow to $15.9 billion by 2023.

Black women, who represents less than 0.001% of blockchain developers, have an opportunity to tap into this growing space.

Wealth Inclusion Program

For black women wealth disparity has always been an issue from the office to starting their own business.  This program aims to mentor black women in obtaining resources to help them scale their blockchain startups. 

BWB Incubator

This program will focus on helping Black women take their ideas or projects and build them on blockchain protocols.

The incubation program will support and develop these solution-turn-to-Start Up in growing their business, strengthening their commercial viability and increasing their competitiveness in domestic and international markets.

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