
Meet Adeola

“Adding organizations that potential employers will recognize is a great way to get a leg up in a competitive job market, and that is why I have decided to be an intern at Black Women Blockchain Council.”


An internship is a short-term work experience offered by companies and other organizations for people usually students, but not always—to get some entry-level exposure to a particular industry or field.

It is as much of a learning experience as it is work. Ideally, interns spend their time working on relevant projects, learning about the field, making industry connections, and developing both hard and soft skills. Internships sometimes even lead to full-time job offers.

Perhaps one of the most important things an internship can offer is the chance to learn new skills and gain experience. Also to lay the foundation for ones career.

Many organizations consider former interns for full-time positions over other applicants. When researching internships it helps to look for companies that anticipate hiring full-time staff in the near future, or have been known to hire interns in the past. These internship positions have the potential to jump start one’s career.

In addition to gaining skills, it is important to consider how an internship will look on a resume. If two internships are offering similar positions or skill training, one must think about which organization is most reputable.

A well-known organization is preferable when building a resume. Adding organizations that potential employers will recognize is a great way to get a leg up in a competitive job market, and that is why I have decided to be an intern at Black Women Blockchain Council.