
Meet Ihuoma

“BWBC offers me the opportunity to learn through practical experiences while contributing to the blockchain community. I am positive that this will be an exciting and productive experience for me.”


My name is Nwogu Ihuoma Esther. I am a young female who has become passionate about the Blockchain. I started studying about blockchain technology recently in my bid to properly understand the concept of Non Fungible Tokens and with each new information comes the need to know more and explore further. There is no certainty to the limits of blockchain and I believe that there are many opportunities that this technology offer, solutions to numerous world problems possibly. I needed to learn more, increase my skill set and actively contribute positively to the change that is currently happening.

Being part of a top tier community that does not just promote blockchain adoption but also advocate the need to bridge diversity gap in the blockchain ecosystem through mentorship, training and networking to include more block women who will contribute in an innovative manner to the ecosystem, would definitely be a great way to get involved actively in the blockchain community.

So I am honored to be interning at Black Women in Blockchain Council alongside other strong smart women on a mission. BWBC offers me the opportunity to learn through practical experiences while contributing to the blockchain community. I am positive that this will be an exciting and productive experience for me.